Sunday, December 30, 2012

Heroes on my own

I haven't visiting Twitter for like months. But yesterday a friend make me. Took me a while to finally realize how I've promised myself to be a survivor. Going thru my previous, I must say I'm impressed to my old me. That dedicated, strong, wild headed ME.

Something happened and I break down.


I started  avoiding real world. Reality is somehow parted from me too.

There's only one thing I am clinging on right now.

My dreams.

That sole reason why I still believe in my hopeless self.
The world doesn't spin for you. You have to ride along.
I want to be a hero even just for one day.

                                                                                     When you know it's almost impossible to                           achieve something,
Keep on aiming on the moon, but shoot for the stars.
Who know you'll miss and hit the moon instead.

(quoted from Naim)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tamsil hidup

Sesungguhnya manusia itu sangat lemah sifatnya. Tak berhak dipuja, diagung, diangkat melangit. Manusia akan mudah kecewa bila yang dipuja mula menampakkan sisi lemahnya, lalu mulalah dia menjauhkan diri.

Jadi, bersederhanalah.

Tahun Gregorian hampir tiba ke muka barunya. Kalendar tahun Hijrah pula baru saja bermula kira-kira 29 hari yang lalu. Sepanjang tempoh hampir 12 bulan ini, terlalu banyak pelajaran yang Allah kelaskan untuk saya. Tinggal lagi untuk saya sendiri mengkaji, renungi, dan menyimpulkan semuanya.

Saya tak tahu adakah semua yang berlaku itu rahmat atau musibah Allah. Saya serahkan bulat-bulat kepadaNya, hanya Dia yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hambaNya. Saya cuma mampu merancang, walaupun rancangan sejauh 5 tahun, tapi jika dia kehendaki saya hidup cuma setahun, tentulah mati ketika  itu yang terbaik untuk saya.

Jadi bersederhanalah.

Tahun ini juga nisbah tawa dan air mata saya hampir seimbang. Cuma ketika entry ini ditulis saya sedang demam. Mungkin sebab banyak ketawa dalam masa hampir 2 bulan ini, mungkin ini peringatan Allah untuk saya. Saya lupa untuk bersederhana hingga melukakan badan sendiri. Bukti manusia itu sangat lemah, mudah lupa diri.

Rabbi faghfirli.

Semoga hati kita sentiasa tenang. Kembali kepadaNya dengan ridho dan diridhoiNya.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Friendship phobic

There is one kind of fear that I always have to bear. The fear or the phobia of getting too close with someone. Be it male or female. To put it in a easy way I'll just call it the 'best friend'. When a stranger starts invading your soul and slowly building a home 'there',  I find it very hard to let go. 

Even sekarang pun kalau rindu sangat dengan kawan baik kadang2 sampai menangis. And I hate that, it sounds fool, silly but I am a very sentimental person. For e.g I still keep the entrance ticket to butterfly farm that I went with a good friend like 2 good'ol years ago, a train ticket to Bukit Bendera also with a good friend. And every time I look at it, I must somehow feel something pinching my heart. 

And now, here comes another one on their way to invade. 

...i'm just afraid, eventho knowing that to move on will be the only way.

All good thing have an end.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Soft spot

I am well known for my boyish attitude, hence same goes in fashion sense. I hate shopping, I prefer sneakers than heels, and I always go for bag pack rather than handbag (well I'm ok with sling but NEVER shoulder bag...EVER).

Recently I stumble upon this handmade craft blog Shane's Handmade. And to my surprise most of her fabric's theme  are vintage and Paris. These two are my weakness, my soft spot. And thank God she's not only making shoulder bag but also sling bag.

Honestly, I go gaga over her great artistry handwork. Very neat, very elegant (ok this is me talking elegant hah!), very vintage, very cool.

Visit her blog (click here) or her Facebook page at Shane's Handmade.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The End

The End.

Sometimes something begins at the end of something. We always thought the end is miserable, bad, misfortune. But all endings are also beginnings (quoted from The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom). 

The end of heavy monsoon season is always the begin of a new warming season of hope. The end of varsity is the beginning of harsh reality of cruel world (I blame the education system for this one). The end evening rain promising one beautiful rainbow. 

Our life always begins at the end. And lets all have faith for our eternal end in this world before we begin the eternal life in the hereafter.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Life is like a wheel. My down is almost history and now I'm slowly going up. But someone else, someone so close were still stuck at the bottom. Couldn't get up, but she still standing strong. Suck every little energy she has left for the sake of her newborn premature child.

My friend, she is the strongest person I know. I just have no idea where on earth does she gets all the strength to go through all off this..burden, trial. Things started go wrong during her last trimester which force the baby to came out earlier than expected. And of course premature babies have a lot of complication. And now she missed her one and only graduation ceremony. She willing to let go for her baby boy was sick and now things got a little serious.

I'm scared. I'm scared she will loose her strength. So far she won all the battle but who know what will happen later. Will her baby ever get better and grow up normal just like any other kids?

I now see 'healthy' in a very different point of view. We always disregards our health. When a baby is born many will only ask the gender. We must change that. Be grateful. Always be grateful when you, me, us have our own baby, be grateful when God give us a very healthy child. Because not everyone was given the chance to be born healthy.

I am grateful to Allah for my health. Thank you Allah.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Another side of me

I don't know if the people around ever notice of how complex I am. But honestly, I am.

I seriously don't think any psychiatrist can figure out what actually going on in my head.

Is it normal for a young person like me to think of killing herself sometimes? I have this kind of thought running thru ever since I was a teenager. Don't worry I don't plan to take my own life. I know Allah is the absolute holder of my life.

It just that when misfortune comes down on you one by one, it actually took all my guts and spirits away...sometimes my sanity too.

You know what it's funny that I wrote all this which you can always found in tumblr wrote by unhappy teens around the world. And now here I am.

I like to write down all the negatives feeling I hold inside but I know doing that wont help. And I like to write down all the positives words too but I know that will make me looks like a total loser. I know you don't get it, I've told you I'm complicated.

Let just wait and see.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Sebenarnya banyak yang nak ditulis disini. Terlalu banyak sampai lupa semuanya. Jadi, sementara aku masih ingat, baiklah aku scribble sikit2 dulu hehe

#1 Selamat bergraduasi unutk adik2 BATI pada hari ini Ahad. Seronok rasanya tengok gambar diorang konvo, teringat balik memori setahun lepas. :) 

#2 Bulan Disember nanti ada Pesta Buku Malaysia 19-23 Dis. Masa untuk simpan duit supaya dapat laburkan sewenang-wenangnya untuk beli buku nanti.

#3 Aku baru perasan, aku rasa sangat tidak selesa ambil gambar landskap kalau ada orang lain tengok. hurmmm. Aku lebih suka dengan orang asing, maksudnya orang lain yang tak boleh agak aku bangsa apa, dari negara mana. I love total strangers!

#4 Dulu aku sangat anti dengan kulit ayam. Sekarang tidak lagi! 4 kali dalam seminggu mesti makan kulit ayam goreng bersalut tepung (demi menambah semula kilogram yang hilang drastik).

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Just when I thought I already knew Allah, actually little that I know of Him.

AL- GHAFFAR - menutupi kesalahan hamba-hambanya dengan mengampuni kesalahan mereka.

Diceritakan bahawa seseorang diarahkan masuk ke dalam neraka. Setelah sepertiga perjalanan, dia menoleh kebelakang sambil terus berjalan. Setelah separuh perjalanan, dia menoleh lagi dan melakukan perkara yang sama setelah dua pertiga perjalanan.

Allah S.W.T lalu berfirman, "Bawa kembali orang itu ke sini!"
Lalu bertanya kepada, "Kenapa engkau menoleh sehingga tiga kali?"
Orang itu menjawab, "Setelah aku sampai sepertiga perjalanan, aku teringat akan firmanMu:

Dan TuhanMu Maha Pengampun lagi penuh rahmat. (AL Kahfi 18:58)

Oleh kerana teringatkan firman ini maka aku menoleh dengan penuh harapan mendapat keampunan dan rahmatMu. Setelah sampai separuh perjalanan, aku teringat pula akan firmanMu:

Siapa lagi yang akan dapat mengampunkan dosa-dosa selain Allah. (Ali Imran 3:135)

Ayat ini menguatkan lagi harapanku, menyebabkan aku menoleh lagi. Setelah aku sampai dua pertiga perjalanan, aku teringat pula firmanMu:

Katakan hai hamba-hambaKu yang melampaui batas terhadap diri mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu putus harapan dari rahmat Allah. (Al Zumar 39:53)

Semakin bertambahlah harapanku untuk mendapatkan maghfirah dan rahmatMu!" Allah S.W.T kemudian berfirman, "Pergilah engkau, sesungguhnya aku telah mengampunimu!"

Kisah ini mungkin rekaan Al-Qusyairi sebagai rumusan dalam pengajaran beliau. Kiasah ini ialah sebuah hadith dan dapat ditemui dalam Sahih Muslim, jilid IV, halaman 256 (pentj.)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dreamers always believe in their God


Today is a day to celebrate someone's existence in this life. It's a she. And this she is special to me. She existed on 8.8.1988 a very 'ong' number for feng shui. Knew her in 2008 (what a coincidence, another 8) during varsity era which past a year back. In summary, I can say she and I, we together learning about life the hard way. She have almost the same way of thinking like I do. We have almost the same high rocket ambitious sail away. To go just anywhere but home in order to find 'ourselves', that one character who has been hiding so long waiting to come out. Honestly those sounds NUT! And, neither of us have embark a journey to be away. Not yet. 

I knew deep down someday those dreams will come true. Someday she will found herself. I'll found mine. 

I'm writing these down with a heart quite filled with bitterness. A gift by God who always knew whats best when we the slave know nothing. And I hope if she, the celebrated girl reads this, she will always believe with God's super plan because dreamers believe in their God more than anything. 

May Allah give us the strength to make it through. Happy birthday Eza.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy birthday The Talking Words


Alhamdulillah sudah masuk Ramadhan ke 9, dan ramadhan ke 9 tahun ini ialah tahun ke 3 The Talking Words lahir. Masih segar lagi dalam ingatan betapa jiwa saya 9 Ramadhan tahun 2010 yang lalu agak kacau.  Masa tu masih di USM semester pertama tahun akhir, hidup seorang diri-tiada rakan sebilik, saya tak ada kawan untuk luahkan perasaan. Lagipun saya bukan jenis yang suka meluahkan, saya lebih banyak mendengar luahan orang lain. Jadi di blog inilah altenatifnya untuk saya.

3 tahun... tempoh yang panjang bagi sesetengah orang. Tapi bagi saya 3 tahun itu hampir ibarat pejam buka mata saja. Sudah macam-macam terjadi sepanjang 3 tahun ini, mencari ilmu di universiti, mencari dan membina diri di negeri orang, merantau jauh dari kampung, mengutip pengalaman termahal melalui kerja sebagai pembantu bilik jahit dan sulaman walau dengna gaji yang kecil, berpuasa semasa bekerja dengan kudrat yang juga sedikit, bergraduasi, cari pengalaman bekerja pula di agensi kerajaan yang saya kira terbaik di Malaysia, mengenal kawan baru yang datang silih berganti, dan kini berniaga dengan bekas rakan2 sekerja.

3 tahun yang penuh sepak terajang kehidupan, jatuh bangun, luka, tawa, semua itu masih dilalui kerana saya tahu saya akan sentiasa di uji Allah.

3 tahun yang ada naik turunnya... macam graf prestasi page Facebook perniagaan bistro saya - NutRICHion

#1 Masa zaman kenaikan...

#2 Waktu jatuh...

 #3 Bangun semula...

Alhamdulillah setakat 3 tahun,3 kali Ramadhan ini, hidup saya penuh dengan warna, penuh dengan lagu rnb, soul, rock, jazz, lagu jiwa :) Jatuh bangun, luka dan suka yang amat berharga. Moga Allah masih sudi beri saya peluang untuk bertemu Ramadhan ke 4 bersama The Talking Words. Terima kasih kerana masih sudi membaca.

Erti Hidup Pada Memberi

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Subhanallah Perfect!

Some few days ago hujan turun lebat waktu petang in Teluk Intan. So it rained about two hours or so and then it completely stop at about 5. After closing the bistro I as usual get on my bike to embark another journey back home 22 kilometers away. I first notice the air was so sweet that evening, and after 15 minutes ride guess what I saw?

I saw or should I say, I witnessed these... 

And these...!

One perfect rainbow! plus one beautiful sunset! Subhanallah... :) These makes me smile the whole way back home.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

I am blessed!

Alhamdulillah... aku masih hidup hari ini.

These few days my body just drained out. I need more Duracell. Thanks Allah rezeki came in at the time when we needed the most. Numbers of customers had attacked our bistro NutRICHion (click) non-stop that we have no time to even sit and have our lunch.

So, here I am today lazing around in bed. We take the weekends off to recharge our energy, but seriously I think I need more than lazing in bed. I desperately need a body massage or at least a foot massage.

Guys...any tips for body refreshing? I've tried bathing at 3 in the morning it work...for a little while. Have a great relaxing weekend readers!

p/s do like my bistro page, NutRICHion (click) on Facebook

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Listen to your heart

Alhamdulillah. dah lebih 3 minggu bistro NutRICHion beroperasi. Sambutan amat menggalakkan walaupun promosi kurang hingga ada yang telefon kami tanya kedudukan kedai sebab pusing-pusing satu bandar tak jumpa. Maaf saya ucapkan kepada akak tersebut, semoga akak dah jumpa kedai kami.

Kadang-kadang bila rewind balik, rasa macam tak percaya saya sekarang dah masuk dalam golongan 'bekerja sendiri' dan tidak lagi makan gaji. Tak semua kawan-kawan saya tahu tentang 'aktiviti' saya sekarang yang jadualnya dah macam burung. Keluar sarang awal pagi balik sarang lewat petang. Ada juga yang bertanya tak penat ke? Macam mana boleh terjebak masuk bidang perniagaan masakan pula tu? Ada ramai sahabat yang bagi dorongan, sokongan moral dan bagi saya dorongan mereka inilah yang paling saya dambakan. Ada juga yang tak berapa nak sokong, "Hmmm buka bistro kat area sini tak laku..", "Tak cuba cari kerja lain ke? Tak nak cuba kerja kerajaan?" dan lain-lain lagilah. Ini baru respond kawan-kawan, belum saudara-mara yang bakal saya tempuh menjelang Aidilfitri nanti.

Bagi soalan pertama, jawapannya cukup mudah. Bila anda buat benda yang anda suka, buatlah seribu kali dengan penuh susah payah, anda tetap akan puas hati dan automatik penat itu hilang dengan sendirinya.

Soalan kedua, jawapan saya untuk anda...Saya berniaga dengan satu matlamat iaitu menambah nilai dalam hidup orang lain. Dalam kes saya, kami tubuhkan bistro ini supaya orang Muslim dapat makan makanan yang 100% halal tanpa ragu-ragu sumber bahan mentah yang digunakan. Jadi matlamat kami disini untuk memudahkan hidup orang lain tercapai. Itu sahaja.

Pagi tadi sebelum keluar berniaga, saya sambung bacaan terbaru saya, Minda Jutawan Gaya Trump karya Nazri Kadir dan Shah Kadir dalam sub topik Buat Apa Yang Kita Suka. Berikut ialah ringkasan daripada pembacaan saya.
Setiap detik hidup kita ini amat bermakna. Karier yang kita pilih hari ini mungkin cuma dipandang sebelah mata je oleh orang lain mahupun oleh keluarga sendiri. Tapi teruskanlah apa yang kita minat asalkan minat kita tu selari dengan syariat dan yang paling penting, kita peroleh kebebasan kewangan. 
Jika kita cinta apa yang kita kerjakan, kekayaan akan semakin dekat, keazaman akan semakin tinggi, kita akan sentiasa bersemangat dalam keadaan yang menggembirakan. Kita pergi bekerja sambil menebarkan seri, aroma dan aura kekayaan kepada orang lain hinggakan orang lain mendoakan kekayaan kita secara tak langsung.
Kalau bekerja sendiri kita tak akan merungut dan jadi 'epal busuk' di tempat kerja. Kita tak akan buat perkara negatif macam mengumpat majikan atau merungut. Kita akan sentiasa berlapang dada dengan rezeki yang Allah bagi walaupun tak besar. Tahu kenapa? Sebab Allah akan kurniakan kebaikan kalau minda kita sentiasa bersyukur, positif dan percaya dengan yakin akan rezeki yang Allah janjikan.

Inilah antara manfaat yang saya dapat setakat ni. Walaupun hasil sale masih belum banyak sebab modal keluar pun tak banyak :D tapi saya yakin, besar atau kecil itu semua rezeki yang wajib saya syukuri. Jadi tunggu apa lagi? Dengarlah kata hati anda. Anda kaya dan berjaya!

p/s Ada pula yang bertanya kenapa saya beria-ia nak kejar kekayaan? Setakat ini hanya mampu tersenyum, ada kesempatan saya akan cerita kenapa kita perlu kaya. Ini bukan MLM, Allah itu adil kita je yang pilih untuk miskin.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


This song always plays in my head through rough times. I actually have personal momento of the song, one of the song I kinda 'hold on' to since I'm 17.

So anytime you feel down, tell your self to breakaway.


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Attention BOOKWORMs!

I like to manipulate this blog to promote that I have another blog that sells pre-loved/secondhand books. For now most of them are novels in English. 

Here's the link to my online bookshop, READERS' LAIR

There's not much in there but will keep updating list of new books. So far the latest novel I have is The Peach Keeper, a firsthand copy paperback.  All the books there was my private collection. But since I don't have enough scape I have to let some go. 

Do visit!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Law of Attraction

Is now doing some experiment using the universal law of attraction. My subject will be human, gold and weather. Succeed with my first weather test last Friday, and it feels like you have the globe right inside your mind.

Gold on the other hand need a few months just to make sure I'm focus. May sounds hard but I'm still gonna do it because I know I can. I believe Allah will hear me.

Last subject, human. This one is tricky. I can't simply control other people waves because Allah has created human in such miracle and complicated that others cannot influence you without your permission. But I'll work it out. It's not for me anyway, I do this for everyone. If I happen to ended up with the human anyway still, it is not my power to deny.

Sorry if you are reading this and this makes you sick. I just want to write something and the only subject that came out was these. Bear with it ya.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Call me uptown girl... I don't care!

Today, to be exact this afternoon my head suddenly ringing this familiar tune. The O.C's intro tone, sigh~ I can't remember the last time I'd watch that show. I can still remember vividly how I grew up with all these popular american drama series. I mean, 'they' are my English teacher so here's the prove how the language have affects me.

Maxwell and Popular was my first 'break through' teens drama obsessions, and then came Dawson Creek, The O.C, Friends, Charmed (of course! my fav was Piper), One Tree Hill and list goes on. Back then there was no computer, don't even mention internet. I barely know what it means at the time. All I know, internet is IT lol which is very funny to even be remembered. So, don't be surprise if I said I have never listen to the full theme song for The O.C until today (finally!)

So here's to anyone who shares my the spot in my stinky shoes. I give you California by Phantom Planet, The O.C theme song.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A sudden "Hi"


I had enough with sighing of life. I had enough doing it and I had enough hearing people grunting over their so called dismay. It is a never ended "process' I thought. 

Anyhow, a very lovely friend text me today at work. She's using another unknown number again but somehow I can tell by instinct it was her. And bull's eye it is. Have the feeling I'm loving this kind of game communication  of guessing whose who among close buddies.

Alhamdulillah, she and her baby is healthy. I can wait no more for June to come and sweep me away to Kelantan. And I can't wait to did some gold hahaha ...lately, I lost interest with money and suddenly Gold came says 'Hi'. Weird, I never liked gold in my life, besides I always turn down my mom's offer to buy me gold accessories.But wait a sec, I still hate the sight of gold on my bodies but hehehe I love the fact when my precious gold "gave birth" in her lair. 

So, new New Year resolution is say ok to gold investment! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

What's up with the silence?

I have this disease that I have no idea what the brainy Einstein people named it. But because of this 'abnormality' I forced myself to enroll in abnormal psychology class. And guess what I did managed to found the name of some my 'disease'. The teacher, Dr Afendi said all human being will "suffer" for at least one type of abnormality in his/her life.

I suffer a lot since I actually have this kind of stress that slowly develop since childhood.I have or should I say I don't have the guts to be open about how I feels, so I tend to AVOID and try my best to forget. Many knows me for being someone so brave but inside I'm actually fragile. The only way to build the brave shield is to be tough on myself. And that took years of hardwork. 

Whenever I am in a situation that I found uncomfortable I'll put on my brave face and people think this girl have no problem to handle such situation. But what many doesn't know is after I put on that brave face, my heart will slowly but rapidly scream "CUT IT OUT!"  and somehow it will grew louder but that will at least took minimum 6 hours to start crumbling destroying the brave face. At the mean time, during the 6 hour my brave face did a very good job hiding the aching heart and mind. 

After brave face time comes to an end and...if the source of aching come striking another attack, that's when I will totally break-down. The Tears as I call it will finally come and accompanied the aching heart. 

So, to avoid The Tears I have develop this habit of locking myself in Silence Mood. Simply because I can't handle The Tears and the aching part. And by the way, I never shared my tears, I'm always alone all this time. Being the eldest of 5, ALONE is no longer a stranger. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Karena Hati Itu Bicara

Dengan nama Allah aku menulis

Saya pernah baca satu hadith yang menyebut hati itu ialah organ pertama manusia yang dicipta dari segumpal darah. Dalam banyak-banyak organ, hati lah yang pertama dibentuk dalam susuk janin. Dan ironinya, manusia masih belum dapat memahami hati walaupun sudah berdamping dengannya sejak hari pertama hati terbentuk lebih dahulu dari organ yang lainnya.

Dari hati lahir pula berjuta rasa. Rasa yang sukar sekali untuk difahami baik empunya hati ataupun orang lain. Orang kata hati itu sering bicara, jadi mungkin sekali orang lain dapat memahami rasa yang berjuta itu jika hanya hati yang berbicara sesama hati.

Tutup mulutmu. Mulut ternyata sering menyimpangkan dialog hati. Daripada elok bisa mungkin jadi sebaliknya. Kata-kata sering sekali terdengar tajam dek akal yang tidak memahami hati. Ya...mungkin sukar juga buat kalian menyimpulkan kata-kata bertulis ini, kerana mungkin sekali hati kita tidak saling bicara. Yang bicara hanya prasangka.

*Video klip ini tiada kena -mengena denga entry

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dia juga mencintaiku

Masa kecil dulu saya pernah 'merajuk' dengan Allah, sebab Dia tak panjangkan umur Nabi Muhammad s.a.w supaya saya sekurang-kurangnya dapat tatap wajah baginda dalam gambar. Setiap kali kelas sirah saya kerap kali mencebik bibir bila membayangkan para sahabat yang sangat beruntung dapat hidup berjuang dengan Rasulullah ketika itu.

"Ya Allah, untungnya Abu Bakar dapat jadi sahabat karib nabi. Boleh makan setalam dengan nabi lagi." Pernah saya kata begitu berulang kali. Sungguh, saya cemburu dengan orang yang sezaman dengan nabi. Malah, saya turut cemburu dengan musuh Islam kerana sekurang-kurangnya mereka dapat lihat wajah manusia agung itu (walaupun hati mereka sekeras batu menafikan).

"Untungnya orang yang hidup dulu...ramai yang masuk syurga senang-senang je sebab Rasulullah selalu ada dengan diorang."

Apabila saya berkata begitu dulu, baru saya sedar cemburu saya semakin kronik. Rajuk saya dengan Allah makin dalam. "Tak aci !" kata hati kecil saya ketika itu. Agaknya Allah sengaja biarkan saya tertanya-tanya sebegitu lama. Hingga akhhirnya Allah pujuk semula dengan menakdirkan saya membaca suatu cerita dalam satu ruangan kecil dalam surat khabar.

":Tahukah kalian siapa yang paling mulia bagiku?" tanya baginda kepada para sahabat.
"Tentu sekali para nabi yang terdahulu mulia, meraka kan maksum dan dijanjikan syurga oleh Allah," jawab sebilangan besar sahabt.
"Ya, para nabi memang mulia. Tapi ada lagi yang lebih mulia."
"Kalai begitu, malaikatlah yang lebih mulia. Mereka tidak pernah sekalipun lalai, mereka sentiasa patuh kepada Allah. Maka tentu sekali mereka lebih mulia," jawab para sahabat.
"Ya, para malaikat memang mulia. Tapi ada lagi yang lebih mulia," kata baginda.
Para sahabat terpinga-pinga, " Kalu begitu ya Rasulullah, siapakah yang paling mulia bagimu?"

"Yang paling mulia bagiku ialah orang-orang beriman yang mencintaiku tetapi tidak pernah melihat wajahku, tidak pernah mendengar suaraku.Bibir mereka sentiasa menyebut namaku. Mereka itu lahir selepas kewafatanku," begitu penjelasan Rasulullah.

Nah, disaat membaca ayat terakhir itu saya tersenyum. Hati saya puas. "Terima kasih ye Allah," jerit saya dalam hati.Dari saat itu saya tidak lagi merungut dengan Allah lewat doa selepas solat kerana saya tahu bahawa...


Sunday, February 12, 2012


Offer CLOSED. I have found two transcriber for this job. Thank you for your time.

Peace everyone!

If you reading this, I have a job to offer. A friend of mine ask me to transcribe the meetings content which is recorded in audio.

PAYMENT: RM 200 - 250 (negotiable)

DEADLINE: 17 FEB. 2012.

The meeting was about a project to be done in the field of gender, femenist.

The speakers consits two person from Malaysia and three person from Norway.

I need you to transcribe the audio overall about 10 HOURS conversation (which include the unimportant talks over lunch, the responsible person forgot to turn off the recorder.), fully conducted in English. You don't have to transcribe everything but only the gist of the conversation.

If you interested please comment on this post OR email me at

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lessons from a 5 years old

She just a normal little girl from Acheh. On December 26th 2006 she lost her mother, her 3 sisters, her best friends, her house, and, her right leg. With only her father left, she live, she tried at least. The little 5 years old is Delisa.

She kept wondering why everyone that she loved so dearly left her. She kept asking why Allah being unfair to her? Why her mother died, and why Umam's (the naughty boy in her village) mother survived the tsunami. Why?

Why people kept saying she actually have more friends than any people in this world?
Why she lost her leg?

In the search of finding her answer, struggling with deep longing for her ummi(mother), Delisa actually by accident cheer other people around her. While her religious teacher, Ustaz Rahman himself cannot contain his sadness, almost giving up to live life again, Delisa 'taught him to be stronger and to be contented.

That girl, with one leg, still have her passion to play football while the other boys refused at first, still feeling gloomy with what happened.

That Delisa, still trying hard to memorize the prayer recitation. Though at first she did it for a necklace promised by her mother, but at the end she did it for Allah. She memorized everything so that her prayers will be perfect and accepted by ALLAH. And with  a perfect prayer, Allah will accept her prayer for the loved one she lost.

Hafalan Shalat Delisa is a novel about a little girl name Delisa. But for me, Delisa is actually me, you and everybody. Delisa were always there inside of you.

source from here