Friday, May 27, 2011

Godbye home

I have approximately 2 hours before I leave home. For work. Yes, I got a job, albeit only for 3 months. But that's better than just sit at home doing nothing. Actually it's a little chaotic at the moment since I got his job offer only yesterday, that's not even 24 hours yet.

My lecturer called if I'm interested being a translator at Civil Defense Department (Jabatan Pertahanan Awam) in Baling, Kedah. How can I say no, right? That place is ...well, a lil bit under-develop but hey lets just try make the best of it. 

So today I will go to Taiping first to a friend's house because she's got the job too (thanks to Dr A), and from there we'll go to Baling this Saturday for interview-chit-chating session, and start working on Monday. Phew~ wish me all the best. Not sure if I can get in touch with you bloggers, have to wait and see. 

p/s what on earth am I'm going to translate with that JPA?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last goodbye

 Mum just giveaway my favourite kitten to her friend's son. And there you have it...watery eyes.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Looks like we've made it afterall

Graduation status: Pass. But of course graduation is one, a fun thing. Two have I not consider the not-fun-thing. Can you guess? Well, debt. 

Thank you much for ruining our fun sigh. But of course, I'm being very sensible at the moment. Without the loan, there's no way I can live peacefully during the studies. Anyway, I don't wanna be the cow tied to debt master. So let just work for money (of course to pay the debt) and pleasure and experience.

Pre-graduation blue is already in the air even though the full academic result is not out yet. So, let's walk the blues.

Kinda true, the lyrics I mean. It will happen somehow. But honestly guys, you are all my friends for real. For real. 
See you girls this September, at the place where it all started and soon ended. USM. I'll forever miss BATI class of 2011 .

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What's new at home?

Alhamdulillah, I am safe and sound finally at home.
Haven't finish unpackhing yet.
Major reason is because I believe I won't be long at home.
So, back to title, what;s new?
:First, I have 3 cute kittens.
Second, the big frig. has gone. Yep gone, to the dump site.
Thanks to my worth-for-nothing brother.
It's a long story but the frig. is gone in the end.
Third, my other brother get into my ex-high school .
And, got into the same class, taught by the same teacher who have been teaching me before.
Fourth, I am now at home jobless.
Who soever know any vacant job please let me know.
I prefer working outdoors rather than office works, but, hey I don't mind at all doing any of them.
Cause I need to get out of the house so bad.
What else new?
We'll see in about a week from now.
'Till then.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sumo Lake

Have anyone here ever watch the Swan Lake?
I mean the ballet performance.
They were so graceful wasn't it?
But today, I stumble upon this funny video on
Still about the swan lake but with a little bit of twist (I mean a lot).
Here I present you the Sumo Lake.

Sumo Lake from Panic Productions on Vimeo.

A rapid re-telling of the story of "Swan Lake", rapidly animated by Greg Holfeld using only the traditional tools of paper, pencils and coffee. Shortlisted for Tropfest 2011. For more info about the film, please visit​

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thank you educators

For all the ABC
For every 123
For the melodious  ,二,三
For the fine ا، با، تا
...thank you cikgu, teacher, ustaz, 老师.

 Couldn't count your blessings.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


So I have finished school.
And my other half say... T_T
In time like this, we usually will smile thinking back at our old old time.
Like my sociolinguistics' class.
I love that class.
The teacher is interesting, the subject was awesome.
And when I think back about it, I cannot forget this one little figure.
Audrey Hepburn.
Well my teacher is a fan of her from the film My Fair Lady.
And now I'm in the club too.
I'm loving Eliza Doolittle!
Since May 5th is Hepburn's birthday,
here you go a piece of memory of her to remind me how beautiful varsity's life is.


Happy Birthday Audrey Hepburn!

via munrose

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Penang Hill

 Went to Penang Hill last week since they've re-open the new train trip early this month.
The new coach is comfy, air-conditioned and of course much more speedy than the old one.
Penang Hill is about more or less 2000 feet above the sea level (I think).
So, they offer us Penang's best viewing site.
I've once again become Allah's number one fan of His beautiful and amazing creation.
The plant was great, the air was much more soothing than the air-con.
Talking about plant and stuff,
I have no idea what was their name,
Screw me I know.
Albeit, they're very pretty as any highland flower can be.

Life guide - To identify and to cure/ avoid black magic

Ni nota yang sempat dicatatkan dari kelas Ustazah Dr Fatma El-Zahra. Beliau bercakap mengenai sihir. Sambungan dari kelas beliau sebelum ini.
Dr. Fatma amanahkan anak murid dia untuk sampaikan kepada kaum keluarga dan sahabat handai. So, I want to share this knowledge to you all, since kita pun terdedah dengan perbuatan sihir ni setiap hari.

Sihir ni perbuatan jin dan syaitan, dan daripada manusia yang mahu merosakkan orang lain sbb dengki, sakit hati, cemburu etc. Manusia ni pegi kat tukang sihir or what we know as bomoh or pawang. Tukang sihir ni guna khidmat jin dan syaitan provided that tukang sihir ni buat sesuatu balik untuk jin/syaitan ni. Contohnya, jin/syaitan ni suruh tukang sihir ni kencing pada Al_Quran, baru dia mahu berkhidmat dengan tukang sihir ni.
imej jelmaan jinimej jelmaan jin


Bagaimana kita nak tahu orang yang kita ‘minta tolong’ tu adalah tukang sihir?

  1. Bomoh ni akan minta barang seperti gambar, songkok, kain pelikat/kain batik, asam limau, telur dan juga tarikh lahir.
  2. Bomoh ni akan minta binatang ‘pelik’ like ayam hitam ke, kambing putih kedan lain-lain
  3. Mereka baca Quran dengan cara yang pelik, terlalu laju dan tidak jelas sebutannya.. Sebenarnya mereka mencampuradukkan/ menterbalikkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran dan masukkan nama jin/syaitan di antara ayat-ayat yang dibaca tu.
  4. Penampilan diri yang kotor, kuku kotor, pakaian bau busuk. Tidak mencerminkan perwatakan orang yang mengamalkan Islam. Akibat orang cari tukang sihir - telah kufur kepada Rasulullah. Sebab cara ini menunjukkan anda percaya mereka ni dan perbuatan ini HARAM! Malah Rasulullah telah berkata cuma Allah saja yang tahu tentang ilmu ghaib,

Bagaimana kita tahu kena sihir?

  1. Susah tidur waktu malam
  2. Suka ketawa sendiri
  3. Tak suka mandi
  4. Suka makan banyak. Actually makan for two - sendiri + jin!!
  5. Suka duduk dalam bilik air lama-lama.
  6. Fasih bercakap dalam bahasa asing secara tiba-tiba!

Bagaimana Hendak Mencegah Sihir?

1.  Bacalah 3x selepas solat subuh dan 3x selepas maghrib -lafaz dengan kuat, bukan dalam hati.
“Maasyaa Allahukaana wamaalam yasyaklam yakun Walaa haulawala quwata illabillahi ‘aliiyil ‘azhiim”
Maksudnya: Apa yang Tuhan kehendaki akan berlaku. Apa yang Tuhan tidak restui tidak akan berlaku. Tidak ada upaya mel ain kan kehendak Allah.
  • Bacalah secara lafaz, jangan baca di hati
  • Agar jin/syaitan lari dari rumah kita. Imagine rumah yang tiada syaitan dan jin, tiada perasaan marah, takdelah asyik nak gaduh sesama ahli keluarga betul tak?
  • Sometimes when you have a bad fall, or when your kids suddenly fall, don’t just laugh it off. Cepat -cepat baca 3 Qul dan ayat di atas dan gosok badan. Jin tak akan masuk dalam badan.
2. Turut perintah Allah.
Antaranya: Mandi hadas besar as soon as haid kering. Do not wait after 1 day baru nak mandi hadas. Sometimes kita suka melengahkan mandi hadas ni. Same goes to junub. Kita dikelilingi syaitan! Jangan masak/sediakan sarapan pagi dalam keadaan junub! Bahaya!

3. Lebihkan zikir.
  • Ayatul Kursi - mengiringi tiap waktu solat fardhu
  • Surah Al Baqarah - baca di rumah 1 hari, 3 hari syaitan tak masuk rumah. Baca sebagai wirid harian ayat 285 yang bermula dari “Aamanarasul. …”
  • Doa Rasulullah untuk tiap perbuatan seperti doa masuk tandas, keluar tandas, menghadap cermin, doa makan ect.
Note! : “Arasy” atau tempat syaitan rehat is the lubang najis. Jangan duduk lama di situ. Dah habis ‘bisnes’ keluar la.. ubah tabiat suka baca suratkhabar or majalah dalam jamban! Also, do not sing in tandas! Jin can also attack thru mirror. Oleh itu protect yourself by reciting the doa menghadap cermin.
4. Jangan bagi anak-anak keluar waktu maghrib. Jin dan syaitan byk di taman-taman, halaman rumah, padang . So, always know where your kids are bila masuk waktu maghrib. Kita suka buang sampah waktu maghrib. Time to change!
5. Seelok-eloknya ada tamar di rumah, especially tamar dari Mekah or Madinah. Jin dan syaitan tak suka tamar dari Mekah dan Madinah.
  • Makan 7 biji tamar Ajwa atau tamar dari Madinah tiap pagi.
6. Tiap malam sebelum tidur dan tiap pagi baca 3 Qul, tiup ke tangan dan sapu seluruh tubuh. Boleh baca dan niatkan sebagai zikir bila datang haid.
7. Sebaik-baiknya usaha untuk mencari tempat sihir dan buangnya. Ayat khas untuk mencari tempat sihir - surah Al-Kauthar.
8. Muhasabah diri, bertaubat dan banyak beristighfar. Gangguan might be from your own doings.

Mencegah dan Berubat Orang kena Sihir

1. Letakkan tangan di tempat yang sakit di tubuh dan baca:
  • Bismillaahi (3x)
  • A ‘uudzu bi ‘iizzatillaahi waqudrotihi min syarrimaa ajidu wa uhaadziru
Ertinya: Dengan menyebut nama Allah. Saya berlindung dengan kekuasaan Allah dan ketentuanNya dari kejahatan sakit yang saya rasakan dan saya khuatirkan.
2. Bacalah ayat di atas 7 kali.
3. Kemudian baca doa:  ”Allahumma robbannaasi adzhibil baksa. Isyfi antasysyaafii laasyaifaa-aillaa syifaa uka. Syifaa-an laa yughaadiru saqomaa”
Ertinya: Ya Allah, Tuhan manusia, lenyapkankanlah penyakit ini. Sembuhkanlah, Engkau jualah Tuhan yang menyembuhkan penyakit yang tiada kesembuhan melain kan kesembuhanMu. Dengan kesembuhan yang tiada ditambah penyakit lagi.


Merawat Orang yang Kena Sihir

1. Ambil 7 helai daun bidara (daun ini diguna buat mandi mayat- jin takut daun bidara!), dan ditumbuk atau digiling is most prefered. It is a symbolic action to hancurkan perbuatan jin. Sambil giling daun-daun bidara ini, baca:
  • Ayatul Kursi
  • Al-Kafirun ( Qulya ayyuhal kafiruun..)
  • Qul ~ Ahad
  • Qul ~ Falaq
  • Qul ~ Naas
  • Surah Yunus ayat 81
  • Surah A’Raf ayat 120-121
  • Surah Thaahaa ayat 69 mulai “Wala yuflinu…”
2. Campurkan daun yang telah digiling tadi dalam baldi yang dipenuhi air yang boleh diminum.
3. Ambil 3 sudu air tadi untuk beri pesakit minum.
4. Selebihnya dibuat mandi. Do it masa masuk waktu maghrib.
5. Ulangi selama 41 hari. Buat 41 hari berturut-turut lagi bagus. Tapi kalau nak selang sehari dua baru ulang pun boleh gak tapi jangan sampai seminggu gap…tak menjadilah! Kalau tak sembuh juga, ulangi 41 hari lagi (could be a strong sihir).
Another method is the ‘dry way’.  That is, tak payah mandi, but baca terus pada pesakit sambil sapu kepala dia.

Sekian, Wallahu a’lam. Semoga ada manfaatnya.

Sumber: Dari kiriman emel. Maaf bahasanya rojak.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Black and white #1

Phew I know it took me like forever to finally develop my first black and white rolls of film.
But, the internet connection is killing me.
So I only managed to upload the first two pictures.

Pictures taken with Fujica st605n
Loaded with Fomapan 100 balack and white
Enjoy the grain!


picture taken from XOXO

Salah satu sebab kenapa saya hormat orang Jepun

Naoto Kan enggan terima gaji PM sehingga krisis nuklear selesai


TOKYO: Naoto Kan berkata, beliau tidak akan mengambil gajinya sebagai perdana menteri Jepun sehingga krisis loji jana kuasa nuklear Fukushima, kesan daripada tsunami selesai. 

Bagaimanapun, beliau akan mengambil gajinya sebagai wakil rakyat.“Bersama-sama dengan operator loji itu, Syarikat Tenaga Elektrik Tokyo (TEPCO), kerajaan turut memikul tanggungjawab kesan daripada kemalangan nuklear selepas pentadbirannya meneruskan dasar tenaga nuklear,” katanya di sini, sebentar tadi.“Sebagai pemimpin yang bertanggungjawab melaksanakan dasar itu, saya meminta maaf kepada semua pihak. Keputusan tidak mengambil elaun tahunan perdana menteri bermula Jun depan dan sehingga kita dapat lihat jalan penyelesaian kepada insiden nuklear,” katanya. - AFP 

Sumber daripada Berita Harian 

Saturday, May 7, 2011


source from risforruth

One day I'll leave, flee and escape.


I am psyc. sick.
I hate my teen-age because I've suffered a lot.
And those people never understand me.

And now...
I am awfully hurt again.
Because they never try to understand me.

I really want to face them
But I'm afraid
I will loose myself
And do things I wasn't suppose to do.

So all I can do right now is...

Don't find me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

When You Leave The Earth


When You Leave The Earth is going to be short film about two sisters who retreat to a house in the woods to mourn the death of their mother. It will be a quiet, beautiful, sad film, and an honest, emotional depiction of the thoughts and fears we have concerning the mortality of the women in our own lives. We want to capture the loss these characters feel. To show the grief, emotions, questions, quiet moments, and ultimately see them finding strength in the fact that life is all around, in nature, other people, and in oneself.

Actual sisters will portray the sisters in the film and the entire crew will be female. The goal of the production is to create a finished film that reflects the intimate emotional experiences of everyone involved.

The cast and crew will spend a week in a cabin, gathering scenes, many that are planned, and some that will have to be discovered.

The money raised will go to renting the cabin, food for the crew, art & costumes, and post production needs, such as Post Sound, DVD pressing.

We are blessed to be working with very talented people!:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Siapa boleh teka dengan tepat 39-18-33 tu saiz badan siapa?
Kenapa ada juga orang boleh kata,
"Alangkah seronoknya kalau dapat badan macam tu."
Aku bajet yang kata macam tu tak belajar matematik kot.
Atau pun dia keliru ukuran inci, milimeter dengan centimeter.

OK lah, 
Tak payah lah korang pening kepala fikir saiz badan siapa.
30-18-33 itu saiz badan fantasi patung Barbie.
Aku cuma nak cakap saiz badan ni memang mengarut.
Tak percaya?
Tengok gambar di bawah ni.


Barbie IRL of the Day: People talk and talk about how unrealistic Barbie’s 39-18-33 measurements would be if she were a real live girl. Hamilton College student Galia Slayen took the talk a step further and actually built a real life-size Barbie.
Slayen, who dressed her 6-foot-tall Barbie doll in a size 00 skirt she wore during her battle with anorexia, says she created the model to get people taking about eating disorders, but doesn’t blame her illness on the plastic icon’s distorted proportions alone.
“She’s one small factor, an environmental factor,” Slayen told “I’m blond and blue-eyed and I figured that was what I was supposed to look like. She was my idol. It impacted the way I looked at myself.”
[huffpo / msnbc / dlisted.]

Macam inilah rupa Barbie kalau dia betul-betul wujud.
Sangat tidak realistik betul tak?

Perempuan yang berdiri di sebelah patung tu namanya Galia Slayen,
Dia lah yang bina patung ni.
Galia ni dulu bekas pesakit anoreksia
Skirt denim pada patung tu dulu dia pernah pakai 
Kalau nak tahu, saiz skirt tu 00

Jadi pada perempuan dan juga jejaka sekalian
Janganlah dok gila sangat nak badan kurus kering
Dapat penyakit je nanti.

Austen's view of the day

“The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense”. 
(Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and prejudice)

“The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense”.
(Elizabeth Bennet, Pride and prejudice)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog review session - Kebun Malay-Kadazan girls

I still remember how I landed on her blog last year I think. 
I googled 'kebun australia' under blog's section.
I clicked on her blog and...
...voila my eyes became wide open.
There's too many greens and I (my eyes) fall in love with the blog at the very moment.

The reason why I googled such keywords is because
I was having quite a hard time.
Dealing with assignments and fussy peoples grew me tired.
So, i decided to look for something 'green'

Another reason is because
I terribly miss home.
I live in a small quiet village,
and my mom loves gardening so much that I can't remember how many times snakes choose our cozy yard to change their skin.
Man...that always gives me a shiver.

Anyhow my heart grew fonder of her blog day by day (hey these sound cheesy isn't it?)
So now let me introduce you to the blog owner.
Actually I have no idea what's her real name.
But I respect her like a big sister.
She is happily married and a mother to two very cute boys.
Currently live in Adelaide, Aussie
She is a Malay-Kadazan girl,
And...she has a very beautiful and bountiful garden of flowers and veggies.

Seeing her garden-blog always inspire me to blog about my mom's plants.
It just that I know very few about gardening he he he.
So, if you feel you are a 'green person', 

The pictures wasn't mine. Everything is taken from her blog. Please visit if you're interested in gardening.

Seni Multiexposure 2

Cuci mata ok.
Aku tembak guna kamera Holga K200NM
Pelurunya pulak filem Fujichrome Sensia 200

Enjoy :)

Jalan atas jalan

Mimpi dalam mimpi
Jiwa-jiwa hijau

Sentuh, Dengar, Lihat & Senyum

Lena dalam lena

Monday, May 2, 2011

Seni multiexposure

Mendedahkan pelbagai imej dalam satu frame yang sama macam gambar kat bawah ni bagi aku perlukan kreativiti dan pemikiran bebas.
Apa maksudnya tu?
Kalau ikut pale otak aku ni,
Bila kau dah guna apa-apa saja kamera lomo,
Tak usah fikir lagi-lagi untuk orang baru (macam aku ni lah)
Bila hati kata":ambil gambar subjek tu!" 
Apa tunggu lagi?

Halakan kamera dan 'klik' saja.

Cuma bila dah boring main klik tanpa fikir,
Korang bolehlah asah bakat atau bagi tajam sikit otak korang tu
Sebab kena fikir #1 Apa yang kau nak dalam satu frame
#2 Tengok warna apa yang terlibat takut nanti ada yang 'makan warna '
Makan warna maksudnya subjek yang diingini tenggelam dekat belakang sebab warna lain (contohnya putih) dah makan warna tu.
#3 JIMAT!! Ingat filem murah ke? So sebelum 'tembak' fikir la dulu ye.

Untuk dapat imej macam gambar di atas ni,
Mula-mula ambil dulu gambar bungan tu dengan rumput,
Kemudian, aktifkan butang multi-exposure,
Ambil pula gambar satu je bunga,
tapi secara dekat.
Disebabkan kamera Holga K200nm ni berkous tetap so, gambar bunga sekuntum tu tak berapa jelas.
Jangan lupa halakan kamera ke atas supaya nampak langit/awan.
Motifnya sekarang kita nak langit/awan yang cerah tu makan gambar rumput.

Marilah bersama-sama membangunkan industri perfileman eh kamera filem Malaysia! :)

Life plan vol. 2

Working overseas.
$ is number two
All I really want is experience
That's it

My friends and I always dreaming,
That someday we'll work in New Zeland,
Picking apples XD
Mind you,
We're serious

I know it sounds funny
albeit at the same time sounds FUN.
But yeah of course I knew well
We have to at least save some money to go there.

And one more thing
this time for sure I want to learn the subject I really want to know more about.
No more hanky panky a.k.a close-eyed while choosing courses

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Servis menterjemah

Apa aku nak buat lepas habis final exam?
Aku nak chow keluar dari rumah secepat yang mungkin.
Tak mau ah duduk lama-lama.
Bukan bontot aku je yang panas,
Mak abah aku sekali yang panas hati panas badan tengok aku bermalasan kat rumah.
So, mulai sekarang marilah anda semua...
Aku nak bagitahu sikit...
Aku dengan ini membuka servis /perkhidmatan
Menterjemah apa-apa sahaja jenis teks dari bahasa Inggeris ke bahasa Melayu.
Harga macam biasa boleh runding. 

Kalau perlukan servis menyunting teks BM atau BI pun boleh,
Proof reader pun boleh
Eh semua bolehlah
Hehe bukan semua, yang berkaitan dengan penulisan sahaja ya.


Sebenarnya aku ada banyak benda dan topik nak tulis kat blog ni.
Tapi bila aku dah buka blog terus blank.